What started out as a shorthand way to visualize a project I was working on for a class about the mercurial nature of what makes a movie good or bad (for if we clearly derive enjoyment from “bad” movies like The Room or Plan 9 from Outer Space then they can’t really call them bad can we?) and how truly bad movies are movies that you derive no emotion from at all—the chart became what I believe could be a framework for categorizing and quantifying the subjective quality of all movies.
It is an ongoing project and I have been crowdsourcing and adding to since the end of the course with the intent of submitting it to a journal for publication.
For an in-depth decription see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rN82rhAJuUwUcuWl0MVgCXsV2fKO5tIipjVhLxSEZVE/edit?usp=sharing